
Aldeias históricas de Shirakawa-go and Gokayama, Japão

Situadas numa região montanhosa isolada durante muito tempo, as aldeias de Ogimachi, Ainokura y Suganuma viveram durante séculos do cultivo das amoreiras e do bicho da seda.
As suas casas estilo Gassho de tecto de colmo e dupla pendente muito acentuada são únicas no Japão.
Apesar das mudanças radicais ocorridas estas aldeias constituem um notável exemplo de perfeita adaptação da vida tradicional ao ambiente e às circunstâncias socio-económicas.

Located in a mountainous region that was cut off from the rest of the world for a long period of time, these villages with their Gassho-style houses subsisted on the cultivation of mulberry trees and the rearing of silkworms. The large houses with their steeply pitched thatched roofs are the only examples of their kind in Japan. Despite economic upheavals, the villages of Ogimachi, Ainokura and Suganuma are outstanding examples of a traditional way of life perfectly adapted to the environment and people's social and economic circumstances.

Situés dans une région montagneuse longtemps isolée, ces villages aux maisons de style Gassho tiraient leur subsistance de la culture du mûrier et de l'élevage du ver à soie. Leurs grandes maisons au toit de chaume à double pente très accentuée sont uniques au Japon. Malgré les bouleversements économiques, les villages d'Ogimachi, d'Ainokura et de Suganuma demeurent des témoins exceptionnels de la parfaite adaptation de la vie traditionnelle à son environnement et à sa fonction sociale.

Outstanding Universal Value
Criterion (iv): The Historic Villages of Shirakawa-go and Gokayama are outstanding examples of traditional human settlements that are perfectly adapted to their environment and their social and economic raison d’être. 
Criterion (v): It is of considerable significance that the social structure of these villages, of which their layouts are the material manifestation, has survived despite the drastic economic changes in Japan since 1950. As a result they preserve both the spiritual and the material evidence of their long history.
souce: UNESCO site

http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/734  » texts in Arabic, Chinese, Russian, Spanish and  Japanese,  media.

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