
Complexo de Palácios de Changdeokgung, Coreia

No início de século XVI o rei Taejong ordenou que fosse construído um novo palácio no local propício. Foi criada uma oficina para a construção do conjunto dos edifícios oficiais e residenciais, edificados num jardim sabiamente adaptado à topografia irregular do situo numa área de 58 hectares.  O resultado é um exemplo excepcional da arquitectura palaciana do Extremo Oriente, harmoniosamente integrada na paisagem circundante.

Au début du XVe siècle, le roi Taejong a ordonné la construction d'un nouveau palais dans un lieu propice. Un office de construction du palais a été établi afin de créer cet ensemble constitué d'un certain nombre de bâtiments officiels et résidentiels édifiés dans un jardin minutieusement adapté à la topographie irrégulière du site, d'une superficie de 58 ha. Le résultat est un exemple exceptionnel de la conception extrême-orientale de l'architecture des palais, harmonieusement intégrée à son cadre naturel.

In the early 15th century, the King Taejong ordered the construction of a new palace at an auspicious site. A Bureau of Palace Construction was set up to create the complex, consisting of a number of official and residential buildings set in a garden that was cleverly adapted to the uneven topography of the 58-ha site. The result is an exceptional example of Far Eastern palace architecture and design, blending harmoniously with the surrounding landscape.

Outstanding Universal Value
Criterion (ii): Changdeokgung had a great influence on the development of Korean architecture, garden design and landscape planning, and related arts for many centuries.
Criterion (iii): Changdeokgung exemplifies the traditional pungsu principles and Confucianism through its architecture and landscape. The site selection and setting of the palace were based upon pungsu principles, whilst the buildings were laid out both functionally and symbolically in accordance to Confucian ideology that together portrays the Joseon Dynasty’s unique outlook on the world. 

Criterion (iv): Changdeokgung is an outstanding example of East Asian palace architecture and garden design, exceptional for the way in which the buildings are integrated into and harmonized with the natural setting, adapting to the topography and retaining indigenous tree cover.
souce: UNESCO site

UNESCO site: http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/816   » texts in Arabic, Chinese, Russian, Spanish and  Japanese, media.

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