
Fortaleza e Sítio Histórico Nacional em San Juan, Porto Rico

Durante os séculos XV a XIX, foram construídas no mar das Caraíbas um conjunto de estruturas defensivas com o objectivo de proteger a cidade e a estratégica Baía de San Juan.
Estas fortificações são um bom exemplo da arquitectura militar europeia  adaptada às zonas portuárias do continente americano.

Point stratégique de la mer des Caraïbes, la baie de San Juan s'est couverte du XV
e au XIXe siècle d'ouvrages défensifs qui présentent un répertoire varié de l'architecture militaire européenne adaptée aux sites portuaires du continent américain.

Between the 15th and 19th centuries, a series of defensive structures was built at this strategic point in the Caribbean Sea to protect the city and the Bay of San Juan. They represent a fine display of European military architecture adapted to harbour sites on the American continent.

Statement of Significance
Criterion (vi): La Fortaleza and San Juan National Historic Site outstandingly illustrate the adaptation to the Caribbean context of European developments in military architecture from the 16th to 20th centuries. They represent the continuity of more than four centuries of architectural, engineering, military, and political history.
souce: UNESCO site

UNESCO site: http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/266  » texts in Arabic, Chinese, Russian, Spanish and  Japanese, media.

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