O postal mostra o Lago de Constança, na Alemanha (Lac de Constance Lake)
Este bem agrupa 111 sítios
situados nos Alpes e à volta, onde se encontram vestígios de instalações
palafitas (sobre estacas)
pré-históricas. Datando de cerca de 5.000 a cerca de 500 anos antes de
Cristo, situam-se nas margens de lagos, de rios ou de terras pantanosas.
As escavações
arqueológicas, efectuadas somente em alguns locais, proporcionaram
conhecimentos que dão uma visão da vida quotidiana na Europa alpina no
Neolítico e na Idade do Bronze e o modo como as comunidades interagiam com o
ambiente. Cinquenta e seis sítios encontram-se na Suíça.
Estes estabelecimentos
constituem um grupo único de sítios arqueológicos particularmente ricos e bem
conservados, constituindo uma das mais importantes fontes para o estudo das
primeiras sociedades agrárias da região.
Ce bien en série regroupe
111 sites où se trouvent des vestiges d'établissements préhistoriques
palafittiques (sur pilotis) dans et autour des Alpes. Datant d'environ 5 000 à
environ 500 av. J.-C., ils sont situés sur les bords de lacs, de rivières ou de
terres marécageuses. Seul un petit nombre ont été fouillés mais ils ont fourni
des éléments qui donnent un aperçu de la vie quotidienne dans l'Europe alpine
du Néolithique et de l'Age de bronze, ainsi que des informations sur la façon
dont les communautés interagissaient avec leur environnement. Cinquante-six
sites se trouvent en Suisse. Ces établissements constituent un groupe unique de
sites archéologiques particulièrement riches et très bien conservés ; ils
représentent des sources importantes pour l'étude des premières sociétés
agraires de la région.
This serial property of 111 small individual sites encompasses the
remains of prehistoric pile-dwelling (or stilt house) settlements in and around
the Alps built from around 5000 to 500 B.C. on the edges of lakes, rivers or
wetlands. Excavations, only conducted in some of the sites, have yielded
evidence that provides insight into life in prehistoric times during the
Neolithic and Bronze Age in Alpine Europe and the way communities interacted
with their environment. Fifty-six of the sites are located in Switzerland. The
settlements are a unique group of exceptionally well-preserved and culturally
rich archaeological sites, which constitute one of the most important sources
for the study of early agrarian societies in the region.
Outstanding Universal Value
Criterion (iv): The series of pile dwelling sites are one of the most important
archaeological sources for the study of early agrarian societies in Europe
between 5,000 and 500 BC. The waterlogged conditions have preserved organic
matter that contributes in an outstanding way to our understanding of
significant changes in the Neolithic and Bronze Age history of Europe in
general, and of the interactions between the regions around the Alps in
Criterion (v): The series of pile dwelling sites has provided an extraordinary and
detailed insight into the settlement and domestic arrangements of pre-historic,
early agrarian lake shore communities in the Alpine and sub-Alpine regions of
Europe over almost 5,000 years. The revealed archaeological evidence allows an
unique understanding of the way these societies interacted with their
environment, in response to new technologies, and also to the impact of climate
souce: UNESCO site
UNESCO site: http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1363 » texts in Arabic, Chinese,
Russian, Spanish and Japanese.
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